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Fin du projet ELPASO

Le projet ELPASO s'est fini le 30 juin 2015

Ce site sera mis à jour avec les éléments du rapport final

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PMIP3 database

The PMIP3 data is available in the CMIP5 database

Composites database

In order to compare the relative impact of the changes in the seasonality, El Nino or La Nina events on the SST evolution across the Holocene depending on the climate we classified the years from each simulation into El Nino, La Nina. The years that do not fall into the previous two categories are considered as normal year from which we can estimate a mean seasonal cycle. For a given simulation, a particular year is assigned to a El Nino (La Nina) year if the SST departure from the long term DJF average in the Nino3 box (150°W–90°W;5°S–5°N) is larger (smaller) than 1.2 standard deviation (r) of the PI time series. We also consider 1.5r of each simulation to identify the biggest events in each time period and to test the robustness of the results. For a given climatic period a typical El Nino or La Nina year was then obtained by averaging all the corresponding El Nino (La Nina) years.

PMIP3 composites

IPSL CM4 composites

Name Experiment
2L24 Pre-industrial climate (PI CTRL) simulation
EHOL01 9.5 ka simulation with insolation forcing and wF*
EHOL02 9.5 ka simulation with insolation forcing
HOL04C 6 ka simulation with wF
HOL04D 6 ka simulation with insolation forcing and PMIP2 trace gases

* wF stands for the interactive ice-sheet melting freshwater flux in the north Atlantic.


IPSL CM5 composites