The different deliverables are gathered in the table below. They are labelled as in the different task.
Date (Month N°)
D 1.1
Changes in interannual to decadal variability between the different periods from proxy data.
EPOC-ISEM (M. Carré)
18 (first estimates)
30 (final)
D 1.2
Changes in mean state and centennial variability between the different periods from proxy data.
LSCE (F. Bassinot)
D 1.3
ENSO variability in climate simulations from CMIP5 multi‐model simulations of pre‐ industrial, 1%CO2, 6k and 21 k and from the additional simulations with the IPSL model for 4k, 9.5k and 32k.
LOCEAN (E. Guilyardi)
D 2.1
A set of biogeochemical proxy and simulations to investigate the relationship between the different proxy records and climate variables.
LSCE (L. Bopp)
24 (first estimates)
42 (final)
D 2.2
The characterisation of the changes in the mean climate state, climate seasonality and interannual variability in the east pacific, the west Pacific and the Indian ocean .
CEREGE (L. Beaufort)
D 2.3
The characterization of the changes in the Indo‐Pacific teleconnection depending on the background climate state.
LSCE (P. Braconnot)
36 (first estimates)
D 3.1
Data plots of vegetation cover, hydrological indices, and integrated variability indices in the tropics.
LSCE (A.-M. Lézine)/CEREGE (C. Hély)
D 3.2
Maps of differences between observed and simulated modern climate and identification of major model biases.
LOCEAN (E. Guilyardi)
D 3.3
Suite of climate indices synthetising model results over Africa, India and South America (amount of precipitation, length of the rainy season, interannual variability of precipitation).
LSCE (P. Braconnot)
D 3.4
Conjunction of data plots and model maps for the Afro‐Asian regions and South America showing changes in the mean state and climate variability.
LOCEAN (B. Turcq)
D 4.1
Synthesis maps and mechanisms explaining the differences between the different periods (with uncertainties).
LSCE (P. Braconnot)
36 (first estimates)
48 (final)
D 4.2
Set of metrics to assess model projections based on past data.
LOCEAN (E. Guilyardi)
36 (first estimates)
48 (final)